Plastic Free July 2024: 50+ Quick Ideas to Cut Down on Plastics
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Plastic gets everywhere; it's a cheaply sourced material that can be easily formed into a whole range of shapes and purposes. But we need to cut down on the amount of disposable plastics we use in our everyday lives.
Plastic Free July 2024: Tried and Tested Ideas to Cut Down Your Plastic Waste
Why Go Plastic Free?
Cutting down on your plastic usage is better for you and the planet. Whether it's microfibres from clothes or those harmful microplastics filling our seas, plastic is more than just unsightly litter on the street.
Plastic all too commonly ends up in the sea which can choke all kinds of animals. Microscopic pieces of plastic are consumed by fish which severely affects their health.
So by using less single-use plastic, we can protect our seas. At the same time, we can cut down on the energy needed to produce items like plastic bags, polyester-based clothes and disposable water bottles.
50+ Tried and Tested Tips to use Less Plastic in 2024!
We asked our Green Heart followers to share their favourite tips on reducing plastic waste. The response was phenomenal and so we thought we'd share all their tips for you below.
1. Rosalyn - "I've started taking my bottles to fill up in a shop called Bare + Fair. I have been buying washing detergent and dishwasher tablets from Smol for a long time now. So I don’t have too many bottles to refill!"
2. Ro - "Say no to disposable plastic cutlery."
3 & 4. Audrey - "I take a reusable metal water bottle to work instead of buying plastic bottles. Also keep cloth or hessian shopping bags in my car when going out to avoid using plastic bags."
Read More: Over 9.2 Million Kilos of Ocean Plastics Rescued
5 & 6. Lucy - "I buy all natural toiletries in bulk, thus cutting down on plastic and pollutants. I try to buy produce loose and locally and I use a re-usable drinking bottle."
7, 8 & 9. Wendy - "I refuse to buy my children anything that has a plastic toy inside, whether it is magazines, chocolate eggs or children's meal. They're usually one off plastic toys anyway and would soon be discarded. I also use reusable cotton pads for make-up and always ring any takeaways I order online to not provide any cutlery."

11. Craig - "Don't use plastic cups. We use a bamboo bottle."
12, 13, 14, 15 & 16. Gill - "Bamboo toothbrushes, reusable nappies, washable wipes, search out second hand wooden toys for children and THINK before you buy when out shopping. There are ways to go plastic free, bamboo toothbrushes and ways to reduce plastic by reusing plastic packaging bags for dog poo bags and using washed out plastic tubs for fridge and freezer containers."
"I recommend The Humble Brush available at Holland and Barrett and other outlets. The Paddock, High Spen sell non-plastic toothbrushes by Evermore and even the head is mostly none plastic material. I bought our first none plastic handled toothbrushes at Home Bargains, Stanley.
"Another tip to reduce your plastic use and save loads - make up your own sandwiches, salad etc and reuse your own box rather than buying plastic wrapped food every time. Empty takeaway boxes seem to last a very long time as do empty spread boxes. They stack well in kitchen cupboards too."
17. Rebecca - "We only use reusable drinks bottles, paper straws and cotton shopping bags"
18. Jo - "I’m now using soap instead of shower gel and shampoo bars rather than in a bottle. I like the gruum one for shampoo it really creates a good lather and doesn’t feel dry. Soap wise gruum orange and grapefruit smells divine!
"I have a couple of sets of reusable cutlery so I don’t need to take disposable ones in cafes etc. I have been carrying a water bottle with me for a long time and use the app to find out refill spots. Also I keep any plastic containers with lids that I do get, i.e. hummus containers, and make sure that these get reused again and again for storage so I don’t have to use clingfilm in my fridge."
19. Claire - "Reuseable water bottles, no plastic straws or plastic carrier bags."
20. Marlene - "I have started using shampoo bars. So no more plastic bottles!"
21. Helen - "I do love to wear synthetic fabrics but know how bad they are in terms of the microplastics they shed and impact of production in the first place - so I don't ever buy new clothes and choose to extend the life of existing garments by buying preloved."
22 & 23. Cornelia - "I buy loose washing powder in a cardboard box, dishwasher cleaner in tablet form which avoids a plastic bottle, large sachets of washing up liquid to decant as needed. I have been making mesh scrubbies for the kitchen from the plastic nets that some fruit & veg comes in - rolled up together they are as good as bought ones."
24. Bianca - "Reusable bags."
25. Paul - "I don't buy items wrapped in plastic".
26. Declan - "My top tip is inspired by a recent trip to the supermarket. A fairly brawny-looking man was carrying a week's worth of shopping in his arms. No plastic bag. Loaf of bread delicately poised on his shoulder. Might require a gym membership though..."
27. Isabelle - "I use a moon cup."
28. Margaret - "Be mindful when shopping. Don't be swayed by unmissable prepacked offers ! Buy loose and fill your reusable shopper.
29. Freya - "I make sure to take my insulated water bottle with me so I don't have to buy bottled water."
30. Natasha - "Don't use balloons, banners or encourage any throw away plastic at kids parties."
31. Emily - "Try to freeze food before it goes off, be inventive and use up leftovers."
32. Rachel - "Stopped using disposable period products over 4 years ago! And always carry a reusable natural cotton tote bag in my backpack for any purchases."
33. Stacey - "I've swapped to getting milk delivered in glass bottles and having the bottles taken back to be cleaned and used again."
34, 35 Danielle - "Most garden centres will take your empty compost bags, to recycle them. Same with some supermarkets now taking any pet pouches and certain plastic that cannot be recycled at home."
Bonus Tips
We couldn't resist adding a few tips of our own. Here are a few more ideas for reusing and reducing plastic waste.
Spot Hidden Plastics in Clothing
There are lots of hidden plastics in our clothing. It is always worth checking the garment label to check what material an item is made of before you buy it.
Avoiding buying new clothing with plastic in can be tricky, which is why it can be a better idea to buy second hand clothes instead. Yes, these items may still contain plastic but it is better to wear and use them rather than sending them to landfill.
If you do have to buy new, opt for natural materials like organic cotton.
Don't forget that you can use a microfibre catching bag for when you wash your clothes. There are a few brands out there such as Guppyfriend and the Cora Ball.
Repurpose Plastic Bottles as Funnels
A great of reusing plastic bottles is to cut them into funnels. To do this you can just cut the bottle in half and use the top end of your bottle. This is great for when you need a funnel for a messy task like adding some screenwash to your car.
You can also use these funnels/bottlenecks to protect young seedlings from slugs and snails.
Triple check if you can recycle it, somewhere
It's becoming easier to recycle a greater range of plastics. Lots of soft plastics can be taken to your local supermarket. So it's a good idea to have a container at hand near the kitchen so you can gather them up easily. Always worth checking the label to make sure you can recycle them.
Space saving tip for plastic bags and mailing bags
If your house is full to the brim with plastic bags or those mailing bags, you can create a bit more space by folding them up. Then you can tuck them away in a drawer.
Switch to refillable household cleaning products
We can save on so much plastic just by switching to a refillable washing up liquid, for example. Of course, you can go the whole way and swap out all your other cleaning supplies too. As an added bonus (we love bonuses!) you're more likely to be using a more sensitive, eco-friendly product rather than the nasty stuff in supermarkets.